The Referral Playbook: How to Increase Sales with Proven Networking Strategies

Are you in the fog when it comes to bridging the gap between your online and offline networking?
Have any clue as to how to actually turn your time into revenue and sales?
If you are a newbie to sales, or a veteran who wants to up your selling game, you have to get a copy!
After years of struggling to find the path to close the gap between face-to- face networking, lead generation activities, and actually generating sales, Rick Itzkowich realized that the solution to increasing sales when you want them did not yet exist. He was compelled to document his 20+ years' of networking strategies to create The Referral Playbook.
Rick helps you take the work out of networking. You don't want to work harder, you just need an action plan to put your networking skills to best use. Rick lays it all out for you. Learn how to leverage the networking events you already attend and the referral tools at your disposal, to ramp up or slow down turning your referrals into business, without losing what you have already achieved.
Some of the things you will learn in The Referral Playbook include:
the value in effective networking
building relationships
embracing technology to enhance and nurture those relationships
keeping that personal touch.
Not only sales professionals will benefit from the well-written and down to earth information. Sales training and sales coaching professionals, as well as sales managers will find the information a valuable addition to the advice they already provide. Entrepreneurs need this as well, since their entire business rises and falls with their networking skills and lead generation abilities.
Ordering Information:
Only available on Amazon.
130-page Paperback $19.97
With the purchase of the paperback get the eBook version for just $2.99.
eBook / Kindle Version $9.99
Doing Good!
100% of all book proceeds go to the Alzheimer's Foundation of America in honor of Rick's father Moises Itzkowich who passed away January 2018 after braving the battle of Alzheimer's.

Brian Dersch, PE gets his signed copy from Rick at the December 2018 launch party.

Sheryl Roush, CVP, CEO of Sparkle Presentations Inc. gets her signed copy from Rick when he presented a workshop for the San Diego Professional Coaches Alliance.